We are Going to Viet Nam!
We are going to go to Viet Nam.
List of things Tous wants to do:
1. pack up
2. drive to the airport
3. get on the plane
4. get snacks on the plane
5. when land get off plane
6. get uber to hotel
7. when we get to the hotel get key card to new room
8. in the hotel room play around
I feel excited to go to viet nam becuces we get to go on a plane we get to have a pool inside the hotel . Then we rent a house next to the its a beach house yay beach house. - Tous
List of things Emmi wants to do.
1. I want to go swiming
2. go to the airport and se the planes fly and land 3. go up the stairs to the new hotel room
5.eat a lot of food
6. go to bed and cuddle with mommy
7.jump on the bed all day
8. watch TV
9. take bath
I feel like I will make new frends. I feel like i will have a good time. -Emmi
Important Words:
Viet Nam or Vietnam