
Showing posts from August, 2018

Ha Noi

August 2018 Tous: We are in Ha Noi. It's hard to breath here. I learned it's really polluted and it is true. But, Ha Noi is still fun. The best part has been taking cooking classes. I got to use a knife to cut stuff and make pho. My daddy said it was the best bowl of pho he ever had because we made it ourselves.  Emmi Ha noy is fun I like the museeim becoz we got to run alot. I also like the xick lo rides becoz we can sit donw and a man pusshis us. I relly like the pony rid. I woz the best rider.

Our Da Nang Neighborhood

Emmi 6 on 6 is a grat eatin plas too be. pho Bo is good too. we goot colars for dogees on chans at Paws for Compassion. I made a new frend, Tu. We swim in the pool. We go to the beech.We eet cheekon at Dirty Fingers. Tous Hi guys I am going to tell you about stuff that I do in Vietnam. What I like to do is go to the beach and we like to bring our friend Tu to the beach too. I like to go to a cafe called 6 on 6 it has really good food. We go there so much. We had this filming thing we got to be on TV. After we went to Jolly Bee and we went back home and we went to sleep. So I hope you like my blog and see you later. Other things we love: Ladies and gentlemen of the building Pho Bo Xoi and sua dau nang (sticky rice and soy bean milk) Dirty Fingers 6 on 6 Paws for Compassion Healthy Farm the Market Friends: Tu Near Beach